Beginning · Happiness · Productivity · Progress

Back and Forth!

So for the past couple of weeks I’ve been reading a lot of articles on productivity. 

Now almost a year into motherhood and I’m finding that I have to continuously adapt to Eliana’s schedule/development. I’m sure this will be the case for the next 20 years at least. 

But just when I feel like I have a routine down and I’m getting into my mummy/wife/entrepreneurial swing. Small inconvenient changes occur which leave me stumped. It feels like I almost take a step or two back whilst I try and figure out how these changes fit into my routine. 

This then slows down my productivity and before I know it nothing has been completed.

It’s frustrating; but I’m working on breaking out of this habit. 

Like a sharp shock to the system I am reminded that I have to be more flexible and learn to adapt quickly to meet the changes in my life. 

Last year, I spoke about juggling priorities and this plays into it. I guess it is an ongoing process. 

Echoing the sentiments of Dj Khalid; I’ve noted major key alerts this past month. 

I need to be more fluid in my approach to situations and find new ways of staying on top of my game. 

Finding a balance between contentment and ambition. Learn to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going – Joyce Meyer

I read this quote in one of my bible devotionals and it just screamed at me. That balance can be so hard to find especially when you are purpose driven and have a list of things that need doing but they don’t seem to shift as quickly. 

Again, I’m still learning…

It is a process; a journey and a lifestyle. One that will have its kinks, wobbles and setbacks.

I suppose knowing what my purpose is enables me to move forward. Should there be roadblocks then I can find an alternative route whilst I enjoy the scenery on the way to my destination. 

The thing is to press on regardless and to not lose sight of the end goal.

Love Lenny xx

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