Advice · Hair care · Routines

Hair today… Gone tomorrow

When Eliana was born she had a full set of hair. 

Beautiful, shiny black curls that I used to love slicking down (no gel was used) and as she has grown I thought her hair would grow too. 
Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Actually it’s quite the opposite her hair has fallen out where it used to be long enough to plait. 

Her bouncy curls has turned into often dry tufts of hair and it’s driving me crazy. 
Yesterday, I looked at some older photos to see if I could work out when this transition happened. To no avail, I’m left to ponder how it got this way and how to change it. 

When she was a lot younger; I would say between 4 – 9 months she used to pull at the right side of her hair if she was upset, tired or frustrated. It resulted in that side being thinner than the rest of her hair. But the texture of her hair remained the same. 

Fast forward to today and whilst Eliana still has a lot of hair. It is very very uneven. I refuse to get out the scissors and level up her hair. 

But it’s a mystery how some of her hair has disappeared.

After doing some research I’ve found out about the causes and treatments for hair loss/dry hair. So I decided to try and work the following into her bathtime routine…

  • Deep Conditioning Treatment
  • L.O.C method 
  • Satin pillowcase 

At least once a week I’ve been giving her a deep conditioning treatment which consists of an egg whisked together with conditioner.

I massage the treatment into her scalp and use my tangle teaser to get the conditioner all through her hair. 

Ellie-bear hates anything being on her head so using a shower cap was out of the question. So I had to use a carrier bag to trap the heat in for at least 10 minutes. Although, she attempted to remove it several times. Haha!

I had to L.O.C in the moisture by making sure that her hair was hydrated with a liquid so I left it a little damp from her bath. Then I used coconut oil to seal the moisture and lastly using my Cantu Shea Butter – Leave In Conditioner cream to close the hair cuticle. 

And then as if by magic… Her hair was beautifully soft. I’m trying to guess how long it will stay this way.

I’m going to keep this routine going for a couple of months and try and find the best products for her hair till it is a bountiful Afro. 

Let me know if you have any tips, advice or ideas for children with dry hair. 

Love Lenny xx

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